Another Dimension festival started in 2007. In 2013 it appeared in the new version, as part of The Rise of Eastern Culture project, which is a form of cultural cooperation between the three cities of Eastern Poland (Białystok, Lublin and Rzeszów) with the Eastern Partnership countries.
From the very beginning, the main idea of the Festival was to present the richness of multiculturalism Podlachia, in particular of Białystok. Another Dimension promotes the idea of dialogue and tolerance in a culturally diverse city, where Poles, Russians, Belarusians, Tatars, Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Jews and Germans have co-existed for centuries. It restores the memory of the lost, at the same time showing the modern achievements, combines history with contemporary artistic activity.
The Rise of Eastern Culture is a cultural project integrating artistic environments of cities in Eastern Poland (Białystok, Lublin, Rzeszów) and artists from the Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine), carried out by the National Centre for Culture and the three cities. The idea behind the project is to discover, what is unique in each culture, and to exchange artistic experiences. Over time, The Rise of Eastern Culture has also become a bridge connecting our Eastern partners with the circulation of European culture.
Participation in all the events of The Rise of Eastern Culture is free of charge – the event is held under the patronage of the Achievable Culture (Kultura Dostępna) program.
The Rise of Eastern Culture
European Stadium of Culture – Rzeszów
Different Sounds Art&Music Festival – Lublin